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Insurance Advice & Risk Management Melbourne

Why work so hard to build wealth if you don’t protect it?
Insurance is like a parachute; if you don’t have it the first time you need it, you won’t need it again. People insure their cars, their contents and their pets. But many people forget to insure their biggest income-producing asset: themselves.
Look after the most valuable asset of all—you and your loved ones.

What is the best income protection insurance for you?

There is no cookie cut-out single best income protection insurance in Australia. Instead, it comes down to intimately understanding the market and all the fine print and nuances. For instance, total and permanent disability insurance (also known as TPD) might be relevant for you, whereas trauma insurance could be less pertinent. It’s not up to you to be an expert in the market - that’s our job. Rest assured - we are committed to providing counsel that suits your situation and needs. 

Insurance Advice Specialists

If you have dependents, or your income revenue/s would cease if you fell ill, it makes sense to consider life insurance and income protection. With years of experience in this field, our independent risk protection group in Melbourne is best placed to help you. Let our financial advisors develop a personalised, flexible and affordable insurance strategy and have peace of mind that you and your family are financially protected.

Need some help with the risk management process? Our experts are here for you.

The right level of cover to protect you and your family

A good risk management strategy progresses your financial plan independent of you income. In other words, if your paycheque stops coming in, your financial plan can still advance.

The reality is, most people can’t save the amount of money required to do that. So, we need to determine how much of that risk we would like to pass on to an insurer, that’s where we come in.

Our team can develop an insurance strategy that is personalised, flexible and affordable so that you can move forward with the peace of mind that you and your family are financially protected.

Speak to us about the best life insurance advice

We’ve provided tailored insurance advice to Melbourne for over 5 years.
So why not contact us for a no-cost, no-obligation catch-up, and let’s find the best life and income protection insurance for you.

Types of Income Insurance Advice & Cover

Speak to an independent and impartial personal insurance advisor in Melbourne about any of these products. Our specialists are ready to help you with the right insurance advice and risk management.

Life Insurance

Life insurance is designed to protect your family should the worst happen. For example, in the event of your death or a terminal illness, a lump sum insurance benefit may be used to fund required medical expenses.

Income Protection Insurance

Income insurance cover provides an income safety net via periodic insurance receipts should you become incapacitated or unable to work due to illness or accident.

Total & Permanent Disablement (TPD)

TPD insurance provides a lump sum benefit should you suffer an illness or accident that leaves you totally and permanently disabled and unable to work.

Trauma Insurance

Trauma cover provides a lump sum upon diagnosis of a specified medical condition. Whilst included medical conditions differ by insurance company, they typically include heart attack, cancer and stroke.

Contact the personal insurance Melbourne experts today

Professional Insurance Advice - What’s Included

Our financial advisors in Melbourne offer the following:
Complementary needs analysis

Strong industry relationships

Impartial risk advice

Claims assistance

Highly qualified and experienced team

Alignment with your financial planning strategy

Contact Us For Affordable Income Protection Insurance

We’ve provided tailored insurance advice & risk management to Australians for years. Contact a personal insurance advisor in Melbourne for a no-cost, no-obligation catch-up, and let’s find the best life and income protection insurance cover for you.

Make the rest of your life the best of your life— look after your assets

Risk protection insurance helps you plan for the unexpected. Request a free assessment

Insurance Advice & Risk Management Frequently Asked Questions

Insurance in Australia is a financial product offering protection against various risks and uncertainties. By paying a premium to an insurance company, policyholders receive compensation for specific losses or damages outlined in their policies.

In Australia, common types of insurance include health, car, home and contents, life, income protection, travel, business, and public liability. These provide coverage for various risks, such as medical expenses, vehicle damage, property protection, life protection, income replacement, travel emergencies, business risks, and liability claims.

Effective risk management is crucial in Australia for protecting assets, ensuring financial stability, maintaining business continuity, complying with legal obligations, facilitating informed decision-making, building stakeholder confidence, and reducing costs. By identifying and mitigating potential risks, individuals and organisations can safeguard their interests, navigate uncertainties, and mitigate the impact of disruptions. Proactive risk management is essential for long-term success and resilience in various aspects of life and business.

Insurance helps individuals and businesses by transferring the financial burden of certain risks to insurance providers. It provides financial protection against unexpected events, helps maintain continuity, encourages risk mitigation practices, and ensures compliance with legal obligations. Protection also offers peace of mind by providing a safety net against potential losses


Disability insurance provides income if you're unable to work due to disability.

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