Separating or divorcing can be an emotional and overwhelming experience. Seeking financial advice after divorce can deliver the clarity and strategy you need to move forward. Receiving professional and objective guidance following an emotional time can protect your financial security, build your economic independence, and give you the peace of mind that things are not only on track to a stronger and better place.
ActOn Wealth Melbourne financial advisors can lay the groundwork to secure stability and achieve ambitious future finance targets for you.
Our financial advisors have the experience and knowledge to provide support across many services, including:
A relationship breakdown typically results in one-half of the couple having to move out and find somewhere else to live. Our financial advisers are also fully qualified mortgage brokers who can provide excellent property advice. Whether your goal is to buy or rent, we can run the right financial models to see how this complements and supports your wealth-growing strategy.
A stable, sustainable financial future depends in part on the fair division and distribution of what were once shared assets. These include superannuation (more on that below), joint savings accounts, properties, shares, businesses, and more. It also includes the fair and reasonable division of debt, including joint credit cards, mortgages, other loans, etc.
Once the divorce process is completed, our financial advisors can help you identify and understand your financial entitlements and obligations, ascertain a true net value of assets, evaluate the long-term potential growth of investments, offer insurance advice that improves cover and benefits, and develop a strategy to pay off your side of any debt.
The Australian taxation system provides a temporary Capital Gains Tax exemption for transferring assets due to divorce. A relationship change can affect your individual tax status and any family benefits. Changes to any property title can have a consequence on rental income tax.
Our tax accountant specialists consider all this and more before developing a financial plan to help you smoothly navigate your obligations to the ATO. This can be a highly complex area, but we’re here to break it down and find tailored divorce settlement financial advice and the best results for you.
If you’re moving from a dual-income to a single-income household, you’ll want to review your cashflow and budget. This is a fundamental pillar of all good financial planning, and we recommend it as a solid starting platform for most of our clients, irrespective of their personal situations. Let’s make the most of the money now coming in and out.
The Australian legal system regards superannuation as a form of property that is treated differently from other non-super assets. Importantly, the fund might not necessarily be split evenly; the decision lies with the Family Court.
Once an outcome is determined, our financial planners can advise on the impact of the superannuation division and strategies to manage these. We can potentially provide new super fund options and recommend how to maximise contributions.
This isn’t easy. Nobody enters a marriage thinking they will one day seek divorce financial advice. We understand you’re going through an enormous amount, and our empathetic financial planners will work to make this as simple and straightforward as possible. We want to remove all financial confusion, doubt and concern.
As your specialist team, we’re here to focus entirely on the best financial outcomes for you and any of your dependents.
ActOn Wealth can build a new path for you based on solid financial planning and sound wealth-creation strategies. Let’s start today.
This can be a difficult process, but our team is here to prioritise and safeguard your financial security.
Things might feel messy and confusing right now, but that’s about to change. We’re here to get you financially on track so you feel confident and empowered by what lies ahead.
This isn’t a door closing—it’s a new beginning, and the right financial advice for divorce will help you every step of the way.
Find control and confidence—call us today.
Yes, the ActOn Wealth team is highly experienced in providing holistic, specialist advice around divorcing and finance. However, it is best to appoint us once the divorce is finalised and there is a true understanding of how assets have been divided. From reworking your cashflow and budget or reviewing and improving health insurance and superannuation funds to detailing your tax situation, we provide a complete financial plan that is geared around protecting and growing your independent wealth.
The answer depends on each circumstance and court orders. Accounts might close, freeze, or remain active and shared. Contact our financial advisors and let us advise on your specific circumstances.
Although a shared super account may be equitably split, this is not a foregone conclusion. The Family Court will determine what is ‘just and equitable’.
Never try to hide your assets in the lead-up to a relationship separation or divorce. Doing so is illegal. It is best to seek expert legal advice in this matter. ActOn Wealth can assist in recommending experienced divorce lawyers.
A private contract, a binding financial agreement is somewhat like a prenup that outlines how property and finances should be divided upon a couple separating or divorcing. You can make a binding financial agreement before, during or after marrying or if you are in a de facto relationship.