Spending less than you earn is considered the most important financial planning principle, however you would be amazed at how many struggle to run a budget with positive cash flow. With the cost of living ballooning and energy prices continuing to rise it is even more important to understand your family’s cashflow.
Spending more than what you earn is unsustainable and creates credit card debt which may ultimately lead to unwanted debt consolidation. This is ultimately a band aid solution. When getting used to the idea of budgeting, it helps to write down estimates of what you would expect to spend in certain areas, and then compare these to what was actually spent. It is even more important to get used to the idea of tallying your spending at least twice a week. Being proactive with your budgeting is the key to success. If you would like to learn more about proficient budgeting techniques, call us on 13000 ACTON or contact us here.